Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Cardathon Challenge
Here's one for fantasy, science fiction, and horror lovers - Becky at Becky's Book Reviews has set up a new challenge with its own group blog - Cardathon Challenge.
She's being flexible with the dates - officially it begins on January 1, 2008 - but readers can sign up any time after January 1st...and the challenge runs as long as it takes you to read the books you've chosen.
Books for this challenge must fit the following guidelines:
1) a book written by Orson Scott Card
2) a book edited/compiled by Orson Scott Card
3) a book with an introduction by Orson Scott Card
4) a book reviewed by Orson Scott Card on his official website.
If you want to join - pop over to the Cardathon Blog and leave a comment for Becky with your email address - and she'll get you signed up to contribute to the blog.
Oh, and she's looking for someone who wants to create a button!
Perpetual Challenges,
Reading Challenges