September 1 - October 31, 2008
Carl at Stainless Steel Droppings is once again hosting the RIP Challenge. The 3rd annual RIP Challenge once again encourages reading from genres such as horror, suspense-thriller, gothic, etc...
Carl writes:
Read Four books of any length, from any sub-genre of scary stories.
Read Two books of any length, from any sub-genre of scary stories.
Read One book of any length from one of the sub-genres listed above.
Sound like fun? To participate leave a comment on the post about the challenge with a link to your list of books. For each book you read, post a link to your review on the Yarns blog using Mr. Linky.
Carl writes:
The Sub-genres:It was a desire share the love of eerie, creepy, things-that-go-bump-in-the-night literature that brought me into the online reading challenge game for the first time back in September of 2006. My goals today, in this its third iteration, are no different than the inaugural R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril Challenge:
1. Have fun reading.
It is that simple.
2. Share that fun with others.
- Mystery.
- Suspense.
- Thriller.
- Dark Fantasy.
- Gothic.
- Horror.
- Supernatural.
Read Four books of any length, from any sub-genre of scary stories.
Read Two books of any length, from any sub-genre of scary stories.
Read One book of any length from one of the sub-genres listed above.
Sound like fun? To participate leave a comment on the post about the challenge with a link to your list of books. For each book you read, post a link to your review on the Yarns blog using Mr. Linky.