Jenn has done it again, she's come up with a new challenge. It's the BE INSPIRED Reading Challenge.
I, personally, am HUGELY guilty of being majorly inspired by a self-improvement book, but then never actually putting its principles into practice in my own life. So I’m never changed by it. I want to get out of that habit, and see these books actually HELP me, more than just increasing my *knowledge* of things. This challenge will hopefully push me to do just that!
The “Be Inspired” Reading Challenge asks you to:
* choose ONE self-improvement-type book (be it for weight-loss, finances, clutter-control, spirituality, or whatever), and read it between January 1 and March 31st, 2009.
* take one or more principles from the book that INSPIRED you to make a change, and actually APPLY it in your life bewteen April 1st and December 31st, 2009!
* Edited to add: You may have to go through a couple of books before you find one that truly inspires you, and that’s okay, too… but hopefully you can find one before the March 31st “deadline“!
To read more and to sign up, visit the post about this challenge.