Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Anita Blake Challenge 2010

January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2010

Book Chick City has come up with a new challenge, The Anita Blake Challenge 2010

Here's what Book Chick says:

I have been thinking about hosting my own challege for a while now, but I didn't know what or to be honest how. But when J. Kaye (of J. Kaye's Book Blog) asked me to take over the Thriller & Suspense Challenge, I took it as a sign. So I decided on Anita Blake by Laurell K Hamilton as it was the first ever 'urban fantasy' type book I ever read and I just loved the character. If you haven't read Anita Blake before then this will be the perfect challenge for you. If you are like me and have read up to a certain point in the series but would like to re-read and catch up then join now!
RulesThe goal is to read or re-read the entire Anita Blake series in 2010. 


• At present there are 17 books in the series (if you include Micah), with a planned novella, flirt and novel in 2010. I will be including these when they have been released. If you don't want to re-read the books you have already but would like to join in the challenge then start from where you left off. It's that easy! 

• If you decide to participate in this challenge please use the links I have set up below with the buttons to post on your sidebar, this way others can find their way back to this post and join in the fun. You can choose either button. 

• If you decide to join this challenge be sure to create a post telling others, please make sure you add a link back to this post so others can join in.

• You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year. 

• There will be a place for you to link your reviews, but this is optional.