Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Horrible Dare Challenge 2010

May 24 - September 21, 2010

The very funny Raych at Books I Done Read is hosting a tongue-in-cheek reading challenge called The Horrible Dare Challenge. The challenge consists of reading three books which are "horrible." Raych lists the books to be read:

The Horrible List of Horror! *ominous violins, thunder*

LA Candy - Lauren Conrad: You may not watch The Hills. *I* don't watch The Hills. But I'mma go out on a limb and say that LC got this book deal specifically because she was on The Hills, and that it is therefore probably terrible. Which is really the only prereq for the HDC.

Hush, Hush - Becca Fitzpatrick: This Here-Comes-Another-One paranormal romance seems like just the kind of thing we'll hate. TSTL protagonists, bad-boy love interests, raving teenage fans. You think it can't get worse than Twilight, but you're wrong.

Shiver - Maggie Stiefvater: Uh...ditto? Only with werewolves, not angels.
She adds:

So that's it. Short but deadly. Can you stomach it, TY? Have you balls enough? All three books must be read and reviewed before the end of the summer (i.e. Sept 21, 2010). Failure to do so will result in ridicule and finger-pointing.

Also, for bonus marks, I will make you one of my patented MS Paint buttons if you read anything by Danielle Steele. The button will have to do with balls, and they will be brass.

Vive l'horreur!
Want to read some horrible books this summer? Visit Raych at the post about the challenge!