Friday, October 15, 2010

20 Under 40 Reading Project - PERPETUAL Challenge

Nomadreader is hosting a perpetual reading challenge on its own dedicated blog. The 20 Under 40 Reading Project is designed for readers to read the works by the authors on The New Yorker's 20 Under 40 List. Nomadreader writes:
Thanks to the careful analysis of The New York Times, I can tell you half are women. Whether truly accidental as they claim or not, I'm thrilled to see this emerging group of female voices. Only two are under thirty, and both are women. The list represents "a significant number of writers who hail from outside the United States or have parents who do."
Participants can decide how much or how little they want to read during the challenge (which has no time limit).

Read more about the project by visiting the dedicated blog; sign up by leaving a comment on the introductory post.