Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Wolves: Reading in 2011 - EVENT

Hosted by Emily, Sarah, Frances, EL Fay, Richard, and Claire

Last year a group of bloggers got together and shared reads. They enjoyed it so much that they are doing it again this year and inviting other readers to share with them. Emily writes:

With the discussion of Ricardas Gavelis's Vilnius Poker at the end of this month, my group of "non-structured" friends and I will be nearing the end of a full year of shared reads, and speaking for myself, the experience has been fantastic. Sarah, Frances, EL Fay, Richard, and (not blogging right now but still dropping by the discussions) Claire: we've had a blast reading and writing together. I love the fact that we can all be honest about our enthusiasm for or frustration with the chosen books, without worrying about hurting each others' feelings or appearing ridiculous. I love that this is a group of people who also like to tackle the kind of weird, challenging books that get me excited, and who share my sometimes-cracked sense of humor. GROUP HUG, you guys!
So luckily, we're re-upping our bookish lease for 2011, with a brand-new button from the Hogarth Press (thanks, Frances!) and even a real name—because "non-structured reading group" is a bit of a mouthful, we thought it might be nice to revisit our Woolf in Winter project from last January and February, and call ourselves The Wolves.

Discussions will begin during the last weekend of the stated month. Here's the schedule:
To participate go to the blog whose hosting for that month.