Sunday, December 5, 2010

Georgette Heyer 2011 Reading Challenge

January 1, 2011- January 1, 2012

Taylor of All Things Historical Fiction is hosting her very first challenge, the Georgette Heyer 2011 Reading Challenge.  Here's what she says:

This is going to be a laid back challenge with not very many rules because it's just for fun. A while ago I set a goal for myself and that was to try and read all Georgette Heyer's Historical Fiction novels in two years. So I thought this challenge would motivate and help me complete my personal goal. So if you want to join in with me please feel free to do so! This challenge is open to EVERYONE you don't have to have a blog to participate. Have fun!

  • The book must be by Georgette Heyer obviously and it must be HF. It can't be one of her mystery novels.
  • You must read at least 3 books and they can't be one's that you've already read because that sort of defeats the purpose.
  • It's not mandatory to post a review but it would be nice so other people can read them.
To join, go to Georgette Heyer 2011 Reading Challenge.