Sunday, January 23, 2011

2011 Books of Lost Reading Challenge

January 1 - December 31, 2011

Lazy Girl Reads is hosting the 2011 Books of Lost Reading Challenge. She writes:
Alright, I had to do it. Anyone who knows me knows that I am OBSESSED with the television show LOST. The series ending was probably the worst part of the year 2010 for me. So why not let the show live on in our minds and hearts by dedicating a book challenge to it??

If you're a LOST fanatic like me, you'll know that there are COUNTLESS books that appeared in people's hands, were mentioned by characters, were alluded to in episode titles and so forth in the series.
The levels of the challenge you can do are:
  1. Don't tell me what I can't do 1-2 books
  2. We have to go back 3-4 books
  3. WALT!!! 5-6 books
  4. Benjamin Linus 7-8 books
  5. Sawyer 9 books
  6. The New Jacob 10+ books
To learn more (including getting links to the books from LOST) and to sign up, visit the post about the challenge.