January 1,2012 – January 31,2012
For those of you that have no idea what this challenge is, it's pretty much a challenge to read as many books from the HarperCollins imprints that publish YA books: Harper Teen, Greenwillow, Katherine Tegen Books, and Balzer + Bray. I first held this challenge last minute in July, with sign-ups only posted two weeks before. This time around there's more time for word to get around and more people to sign up, hopefully! Here is the breakdown of the challenge:
- Open to anyone, whether you blog or not
- Books started before January 1 do not count - and we're going on the honor system with this!
- Audio books and ebooks do count of course
- Your books can be crossovers with other challenges
- Sign-ups will stay open through January 7
- Choose a challenge level and make an intro post with a link back to this post!
- Easy: 1-4 books
- Medium: 5-8 books
- Hard: 9-12 books
- January 1: Event starts! Review link-up for the first week posted.
- January 4: First 24 hour Harper book giveaway!
- January 8: Review link-up for the second week goes up.
- January 11: Second 24 hour Harper book giveaway.
- January 15: Harper Imprint Challenge Readathon! Starts at 9am Pacific time and lasts for 24 hours; Review link-up for the third week
- January 18: Third 24 hour Harper book giveaway.
- January 22: Review Link-up for the last week, including the 29th through the 31st
- January 25: Last 24 hour Harper book giveaway!
- January 31: - Last day of the challenge!
On February 1 there will be one final giveaway for those who participated and do a wrap up post of your accomplishments! So don't forget those posts.
For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.