Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reading Shakespeare: A Play a Month in 2012

January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012

Sometimes, good intentions never see the light of day. I’d bought myself the complete works of Shakespeare a few months ago with the intention of taking part in a challenge that was being hosted this year. Unfortunately, the times has never been right to pick up a play. I’ve been so intent on whittling down my to-read novel list, that plays have completely been neglected (save for one) this year.

So, I’ve decided to run a Shakespearean Group Read, of sorts, in 2012. The idea is to read, with others who might be interested, one play a month. At the end of each month a discussion post will be posted along with a link-up for fellow readers to add their posts. A schedule of the plays being read in 2012  will be put up in a sign-up post towards the middle of December. For now, though, we need to decide on the plays.

I didn’t want to just pick them out on my own and selfishly expect others to join in. So I’ve decided to hold a poll – rather 3 polls. I will be dividing Shakespeare’s works into comedies, tragedies and histories. Considering we have 12 months, therefore 12 plays to read next year, I figured four plays from each of these categories should work well. Each person will be allowed to choose four plays from each category. The polls will be up until December 10, 2011. I hope to consolidate the highest votes from each category and announce the list along with a sign-up post by December 15, 2011.

Please do pass the word around so that we might have a lovely reading experience of Shakespeare together! :) 

Oh, and as I have been asked – you are not obligated to join in on every play group read if you don’t want to or can’t. ;)

For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.