Sunday, December 4, 2011

Graphic Novels Challenge 2012

2011 Button

January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012

Hello Folks! This is Nicola @ Back to Books here. I will be your new host for the Graphic Novels Challenge. I've been a member of this challenge since the beginning when Dewey started it. I read a huge amount of graphic novels & manga each year and was a Panelist for the Cybil Award Graphic Novels Category for two years, 2009/10. I love it when new people discover that GNs are not just for kids and are not just collections of comic books. Of course, some of them are those things, not that there's anything wrong with that!, but there is a world of viable literature that can be found in the graphic form also.

Whatever kind you like to read, as long as it has a comic balloon or two we'll classify it as a Graphic Novel, even if it's non-fiction!

One change I'm making this year is simplifying the goal. This year we will make the target to read 12 books between Jan.1 and Dec. 31, 2012. This will give us a goal to reach.

Of course, if you reach 12 books feel free to continue posting links to your reviews throughout the year for others to discover new titles.

Everything else will stay the same. I'll be updating the side bars and adding your names to the participants list as you join.

For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.