January – December 2013
Quirky Bookworm says: Remember how I was going to read six classics in 2012? But I only read four?
Well this year I'm making it public. I'm announcing the six books I'm gonna read. And, I'm inviting you to join me!
To make it more challenging, I'm gonna add a second or third option each time, and see if maybe, just maybe, I can read 13 classics in 2013!
All you have to do to enter in my challenge is put your info in the GoogleDoc below (because it feels much more official if you're putting your name to it!), and then read along with me. Every two months I'll have a little link-up/series of questions about the current book(s) for you to participate in.
Below are the six classics that I've never read (the ones in bold - and yes, I'm totally embarrassed to be admitting this). The other titles I've read before, but it's been years. Re-reading participation is absolutely welcome, you just have to be willing to actually re-read the WHOLE thing, and participate in the link-ups. Scouts honor!
Anna KareninaWuthering Heights
March- April
Madame BovaryCatch-22
Of Mice and MenRobinson Crusoe
Don QuixoteMy Antonia
Animal FarmA Tale of Two Cities
Here are the challenge levels: 0-4 Freshman
(Sorry, I got bored.)
5-8 Sophomore
(Hooray! I feel more well-rounded.)
9-11 Junior
(Enter me to win a $25 Amazon gift card.)
12-13 Senior
(I'm awesome! I want that gift card, plus a free book.)
Yup, at the end of 2013, if you've read/participated for at least 9 out of the 13 classics, I'll automatically enter you in a drawing to win a $25 Amazon gift card!
For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.