January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
So about the challenge?
I find that many times when a reading challenge has to do with a book's size it usually about reading bigger books. Sometimes, because I'm in between books, life is getting out of hand, or things are just getting in the way, there's just not enough time to read a big book. Who says bigger is better anyway? Sometimes things break and all you need is a little tape and it'll hold. So this is the "Quick fix Challenge" whether it's a love for smaller books, or just trying to squeeze in a quick read, or maybe times running out and you need to read in some more books quickly. This is a challenge about reading books with less than 300 pages.Challenge Details:
- The challenge runs from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014.
- Sign ups will be open until mid December.
- You don't have to be a blogger to participate. However, leave a comment and tell me what level you're aiming for.
- For bloggers, post up a challenge sign up post saying what level you've signed up for. Be sure to sign-up with your sign-up post in the linky.
- You don't have to review the books you read however if you do, you will be able to post your links to your reviews (the post will be up on New Years day).
- Books have to have less than 300 pages to count.
- Books such as MG/YA, graphic novels/manga, audio, rereads, anthologies and short stories, can count toward your goal.
- Feel free to crossover the books you read for this challenge with other challenges.
(If you have any questions feel free to ask, I feel like I might be missing something here.)
Now the Levels/It will hold with:
String: 5 books
Paperclips: 15 books
Duck tape: 25 books
Gorilla glue: 30+ books
This reading challenge is hosted by Jessie's Book Place. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.