Thursday, December 4, 2014

2015 The TBR Double Dog Dare

January 1, 2015 – April 1, 2015

Is your TBR list getting you down?  Do you own more books than you can read in one lifetime?  Are there so many books on your nightstand that you have no place to set your coffee mug down in the morning?

The TBR Double Dog Dare is here to save the day!

The TBR Double Dog Dare is not a reading challenge; it’s a dare. This means that people who do not participate in reading challenges are allowed to participate.

I’m not challenging you; I’m double-daring you.

All you have to do to win the TBR Double Dog Dare is to read only from your TBR pile between January 1 and April 1. You can still buy books, you just can’t read them until the TBR Double Dog Dare is over. (You can make exceptions for books clubs, arcs, and other things you really want to make exceptions for. The TBR Double Dog Dare is all about having fun. So if you join in for a week or a month, no worries.)

Are you brave enough to take the dare?

If you are, please sign-up by leaving your name in a comment.  If you can, please help spread the word by posting this years button or by running a special post or two about The TBR Double Dog Dare.

Just imagine what the world would be like if everyone took The TBR Double Dog Dare.  ;-)

This reading challenge is hosted by James Reads Books. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.