January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015
Do you have a large TBR pile (to be read) of parenting books like I do? Maybe there are some parenting books that your family or friends insist you need to read? Or maybe you heard about some funny parenting memoirs or novels? I'm hosting a reading challenge to get you motivated to read those books!
The Rules:
- The reading challenge runs from Jan 1, 2015 to Dec 31, 3015.
- You may sign up anytime during the year to participate.
- Books read in part or whole before Jan 1, 2015 do not count.
- You may include books of any format including traditional books, ebooks, or audiobooks.
- Books may be novels, mom lit, parenting advice and how to, inspirational such as the Chicken Soup books or Mom devotionals, parenting memoirs, or parenting humor.
- Books on homemaking can count towards this challenge if they talk about parenting or children. This includes how to, advice, and even recipe books.
- You may reread books.
- Books may count towards other reading challenges.
- If you could be so kind, please place the 2015 Parenting Reading Challenge banner on your blog to help spread the word.
- Please link back to this blog, post about it on Facebook, Tweet about it, and so on to help spread the word.
- If you write a review of the book, come back here and post the link in the comments.
- Please choose a level. You may change levels at anytime. You may go up or down.
Newborn: One or two books
Infant: three to five books
Toddler: six to eight books
Preschooler: nine to twelve books
Child: thirteen to fifteen books
Teenager: sixteen to twenty books
Adult: twenty-one books or more
Signing Up
Before signing up, please create a post or page where you will list all the books you have read and then use that link for the Linky Tools.
If you don't have a blog you can still sign up by using a link to your Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, and so on.
This reading challenge event is hosted by The Single Mommy Blog. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.