Monday, January 12, 2015

War and Peace Read-Along

February 1, 2015 – April 13, 2015

There will be ten weeks of finally reading that book you've always meant to get to, plus the added bonus of getting to be nosy at everybody else's posts. We'll start reading on February 1st and every Sunday after that, I'll post a list of prompts/questions that you can answer in your own post if you want to. If you don't, just have a good old ramble. Either way, link up on this blog and we can all support each other.

Some people have asked me if the time period of eleven weeks is really long enough for this. I'll be posting in a schedule in a fortnight so you can have a look for yourself, but I'm perfectly willing to extend the time period if we need to.

Just think - in three months time, you'll have read War & Peace!

This reading event is hosted by Booking in Heels. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.