January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013
Welcome to the third annual Outlander Series Reading Challenge 2013! Last year was my first year hosting the challenge and after great success I decided to host it again this year!
I will be changing the format slightly from last years style. Last year I just read and posted my reviews while commenting on other participants review, I also had a discussion forum where I just posted general questions. This year I will be sending out weekly discussion questions to keep you all thinking about Outlander and our beloved Jamie
! Answer the questions, don’t answer the questions, it’s entirely up to you! You can be as active or non active in this challenge as you want to be. The weekly discussion questions will be a new way to keep people actively interested, thinking about, and reading the series.
Here is the info if you want to sign up and please spread the love by grabbing the button!
Timeline: 1st Jan 2013 – 31st Dec 2013
Rules: Read all SEVEN (7) books in The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon
Sign Up Details:
If you want to take part all you have to do is create a sign up post in the Mr Linky on challenge home page.
- To sign up you MUST comment after linking your info below.
- Please add the button to your sidebar – make sure that it links back to this post so others can join the challenge if they wish. Please make a post on your blog about participating in the challenge and link back here.
- If you don’t have a blog or URL that’s fine you can still participate….please email me your info and I will post. My email is thelitbitch@me.com
- Audio books are ok
- If you have read the series before or are a few of the books that’s fine feel free to participate…..the goal is to read all the books whether it’s your first time or not ENJOY
Challenge Details:
- Timeline: 01 Jan 2013 – 31 Dec 2013 (SIGN UP ANYTIME BETWEEN NOW AND THEN!!)
- Rules – Read all SEVEN (7) books in the Outlander Series (books titles below).
- The reading challenge can crossover into other challenges.
- You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year.
- Reviews are great but not required.
- You DO NOT have to have a blog to join in -just email me at thelitbitch@me.com and I will be sure to include you in the challenge/subscriptions– join the discussion and comments section to let us know when you’ve read a book and what you thought of it!
- Let your voice and opinions be heard! COMMENTS/DISCUSSION ARE APPRECIATED!
Books in Series Order:
- Outlander (1991)
- Dragonfly in Amber (1992)
- Voyager (1994)
- Drums of Autumn (1997)
- The Fiery Cross (2001)
- A Breath of Snow and Ashes (2005)
- An Echo in the Bone (2009)
For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.