March 1 - June 1, 2013
Hosted by:
Anniesh Imaginary Adventures
Hosted by:
Anniesh Imaginary Adventures
As you may know, every Friday people tweet the names of Twitter users they'd like others to follow and tag it with #followfriday and/or #FF. My idea of this monthly feature originates with the aforementioned feature on Twitter. Follow Friday should become a great way for bloggers to socialize and network their blogs, and to share upcoming events! I hope that it will help many bookworms not to miss any interesting event as well as my fellow bloggers to attract more participants or even more blog followers.
And, this is how it should work:
And, this is how it should work:
- On the third Friday of every month I will share with you a bookish challenge, a read-a-long, or a readathon that I've found in the blogosphere and will start soon, and the entering of which I'd recommend to every kindred spirit.
- Create your own Follow Friday post and recommend upcoming bookish events hosted by other bloggers that you find interesting. Even though I'm addicted to the classics, please feel free to recommend events from any genre that is dear to your heart! You may keep your FF post short or you may write a lengthy one; it's up to you. You can also praise the whole blog that hosts that particular event, if you like.
- It would be nice, if you would use my official graphic and please link back toAnneish Imaginary Adventures so that other people wanting to participate know where to get the information to do so!
- Once you have your Follow Friday posted, come back to Anneish Imaginary Adventures and add your link to the list.
- Visit other participants' link to find out what events they recommend and please do share with them as well as with me, if they inspired you to enter an event!
- Finally, have fun and read on!
This meme is hosted by Hotchpot Cafe. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.