January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
This reading challenge event is hosted by Dusky Literati. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.
Details of the Challenge:
- This reading challenge runs from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014 (books read prior to January 1, 2014 do not count towards the challenge). You can join anytime before November 1, 2014
- Read fiction and non-fiction books by and about authors and other personages associated with the Harlem Renaissance. Feel free to expand to black writers from Africa and the Caribbean during this timeframe. The goal is to really immerse yourself in this era. For a list of books related to the Harlem Renaissance, check out the Harlem Renaissance listopia at Goodreads OR books from my personal library tagged ‘Harlem Renaissance’ on LibraryThing.
- Books can be any format (print, ebook, audio)
- Re-reads and crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed
- You can choose your books as you go or create a list in advance
- I will put up a post for reviews at the beginning of January
1-5 books — New Negro (phrase coined by Alain Locke)
6-10 books — Garveyite (follower of Marcus Garvey)
11-15 books — Niggerati (This term is not meant to offend but was associated with the Harlem Renaissance. Phrase used by Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, and Wallace Thurman)
16+ books — Talented Tenth (phrase coined by W.E.B. Du Bois)
Once you pick a level you can go higher and read more books but you cannot go down a level.
To Sign-Up:
To join this challenge, grab the 2014 Harlem Renaissance Reading Challenge badge and post on your blog to track your progress. Sign up using Mr Linky if you’re a blogger, and if you’re not a blogger simply leave a comment below. Please include a link back to this sign-up post so others can join the reading challenge too.
Note: You do not have to be a book blogger to participate. You can track your progress on Goodreads, LibraryThing, etc.