Sunday, November 2, 2014

2015 Birthday Month Reading Challenge

January 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015

Rules (And when I say rules please realize I'm one of the most flexible people in existence)
  • First off, this challenge is for EVERYBODY! That means YOU! I want anyone and everyone to join in on the fun!
  • How this challenge works is that each month you read a book by an author who has his or her birthday in that month. So for example in December you could read a book by Jane Austen because her birthday is December 16th and in July you could read a book by J.K. Rowling because her birthday is July 31st. So you will end up reading twelve books all together for this challenge. 
  • At the beginning of each month I will try and post a list of some author with their birthday in that month as a prompt. You should start and finish each book in that month span but if you don't make it that's okay. :) The ultimate goal is to get all twelve books completed before the end of the year. 
  • The challenge officially runs from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. 
  • Once the challenge is officially on its way in January, I will have a post where you can link up your reviews of the books you are reading. That way not only can everyone enjoy other people's review but also that is how I'll keep track of how many books you complete for the drawing at the end (see below). I don't care how short or long your review is. :)
  • Those participating in this challenge will be entered in a drawing for prizes! There will be three winners. The first place winner will get their choice of a book or a literary trinket (costing $20 or less) from Amazon. Second place will have the same option only costing $15 or less and third place the same costing $10 or less.... because I'm a poor nursing student people! ;)
  • All forms of books are allowable including actual book, ebook and audiobook. 
  • If you don't have a blog but still want to participate you can sign up with a comment and use Goodreads for reviews or I suppose even comment on the reviews page with your reviews. I don't want to exclude anyone from joining in the fun. :)
  • You can sign up [on the host’s site] with the Linky tool. Registration is open from now right up until the end on December 31, 2015.

This reading challenge is hosted by You, Me and a Cup of Tea. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.