Wednesday, August 26, 2009

R.I.P. IV Challenge

September 1 - October 31, 2009

Carl V is hosting the 4th annual Readers Imbibing Peril challenge to usher us in to Halloween.

There are two simple goals to the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril Challenge:
1. Have fun reading.
2. Share that fun with others.

As I do each and every year, there are multiple levels of participation that allow you to be a part of R.I.P. IV without adding the burden of another commitment to your already busy lives.

Peril the First:
Read Four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose.

Peril the Second:
Read Two books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose.

Peril the Third:
Read One book of any length, from any of the subgenres listed earlier in the post.

Short Story Peril:
More than any other time of the year, R.I.P. season brings out my desire to explore the short story genre. We will again do Short Story Sundays, for those of you who read R.I.P. related short stories any time during the week and want to write about them. I know I have Lovecraft, Poe, and Angela Carter waiting in the wings for my short story reading.

To find out more or to sign up, visit R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril…IV!!!