Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sci-Fi Reading Challenge

August 28, 2009 - August 8, 2010

Mish at Stage and Canvas is hosting the Sci-Fi Reading Challenge. Mish writes:
It seems like what turns a lot of people off from the genre is the stigma that it’s all aliens, robots, outer space, scientific terminology, and Star Trek, but it’s much much more than that. Sci-fi is a literature of ideas and infinite possibilities that may include the past or future, a completely different timeline, utopias or dystopias, science and technology like time travel, or an invasion of body snatchers. I love sci-fi because of its study, commentary, and exploration of humanity and technology. From cyberpunks to superhumans and beyond, it spans tastes and the sky’s the limit- good thing it’s a very vast sky.
Here are the guidelines for the challenge:

1. Read 3.14 or 8 books (or audio books) of the science-fiction genre. (Mish provides suggestions)
2. You may join at any time.
3. Each time you read a book, please link to your reviews. If you don’t do reviews, no biggie.
4. Making a list of chosen books is optional and it can change at any time. Overlaps with other challenges are fine.

To learn more and to sign up with Mr. Linky, visit the post about the challenge.