January 1 - December 31, 2010
Jenny at Jenny Loves to Read is hosting her first reading challenge. The 2010 Reading Resolutions Challenge was born out of Jenny's desire for a plan with some defined goals for the new year. Jenny writes:
As the name implies, 2010 Reading Resolutions Challenge, it's basically new year's resolutions for my reading. They can be anything you would like to accomplish in the coming year in the realm of reading, book blogging, or perhaps personal growth.Guidelines:
- Create your personal reading resolutions for the upcoming year in a post and link to it to the post about the challenge. If you don't have a blog, that's cool too. Post your resolutions and updates in the comments of the post about the challenge.
- Get started on your resolutions! Once every 2 months, starting on February 15th, Jenny will have a post to check-in and see how everyone is doing. Kind of as a reminder to you to check your own progress.
- There is no pressure or consequences with this challenge...Jenny views it as a personal growth sort of challenge.