Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Request...or two

This time of year is very hectic for this blog - many challenges begin on January 1st, many end on December 31st...and then there are the huge amounts of challenges and events centered around the holidays. Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining (I love the enthusiasm!!).


Teddy and I find it a huge challenge to keep up with the volume of work on this blog at this time of the year. We want to get all your challenges and events posted in a timely manner (preferably BEFORE they start!)...and so I have two teeny requests.
  1. Please try to alert us to your challenge or event as soon as you have a post about it posted...there is a place on this blog to give us a link to your challenge or event...and that is the best way to let us know what is happening! We try really hard to respond to these links within a week or less of receiving them.
  2. Many readers are unaware of A Novel Challenge blog...and so we don't learn about their challenges unless we happen upon them through our feed readers...or someone let's us know by dropping us a link. If you know about a challenge which is NOT on this blog, please don't hesitate to let know ... even if you are not the person hosting it!
A HUGE thank you to all of the readers of A Novel Challenge blog...for your creativity in developing challenges and events, for your enthusiasm (and addiction) to reading challenges, and for your loyalty to this blog. It has been exciting for me to watch this realm of the book blogging community grow over the last couple of years!