Hosted by Michelle at GalleySmith
December 14 - 20, 2009
Michelle writes:
One of my very favorite things about reading is reading books in a series. I adore getting to know characters and watching as they progress from point A to point Z over time. But, if you are anything like me, as much as you’d like to read all the books in a particular series you also run into other obligations or constraints.So with that in mind, she is dedicating a week in December to read from those neglected series books. This is how Michelle describes Series Palooza:
For the week starting December 14 through December 20 I’ll be holding Seriespalooza, where participants will read only books in a series they are either currently reading or are wanting to start. It’s a relaxed affair where you can read at your leisure so there isn’t any pressure. It’s just a great excuse to dip into the pile of books you want to read instead of those you may have scheduled to read as a result of other obligations.Learn more and sign up to participate by visiting the post about the event.