Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Autism Awareness Challenge

April 1 - April 30, 2010

Tokemise of By Hook or by Book is hosting the Autism Awareness Challenge.  Here's what she said:

My four (almost five) year old daughter has Autism. I've read almost every non-fiction book out there by now. I started thinking about the goal of Autism "awareness" and realized something. There are alot of fiction books out there now which feature characters with Autism, as well as several written by people with ASD. Alot of these books are what would be called "young adult" books and that I think is wonderful. In order to bring about a large scale change of any lasting sort one needs to involve and teach the young people so as they grow up it is all second nature to them. So it can be with Autism awareness. If today's young people grow up accepting and understanding Autism then we will have come a long way.

With all that in mind I am hosting the Autism Awareness Reading Challenge.

I'll need to keep it simple for me and you so...

Read at least one book fiction or non-fiction with Autism as the subject or with a character who has it or a book written by someone with ASD.
Thanks for caring and wanting to learn more about Autism. Here is a list of Fiction books that you could read. I haven't read any of these so I can't vouch for how good or accurate they are. There are many non-fiction books written by parents, family members and people with autism. Temple Grandin being the most famous. Just do a google or library catalog search to find some. Share these with you're children and help build awareness.