Sunday, April 18, 2010

1930's Mini Challenge

April 18th – July 18th

Nymeth at Things Mean A Lot is inviting readers to join her in reading from the 1930s. She writes:
The fact that many of these novels deal with individuals responding to what we now know to be big historical events is part of what makes them so interesting. But there’s also the fact that the decade, especially its early years, has some of the same glamour that we associate with the 1920’s. All of this appeals to me, so I know that over the next few months I’ll be reading more books from, set in, or about the 1930’s.
Guidelines are few:

  • You’d only need to read a minimum of one book, though you’d of course be welcome to read more;
  • No need for a sign-up post or a reading list;
  • Just enter your name, read your book(s), and then visit Nymeth and leave a link to your post about what you’ve read.

  • Learn more and sign up by visiting the Sunday Salon post where the challenge is posted (there is a linky to sign up).