Sunday, December 5, 2010

The TBR Dare

January 1 - April 1, 2011

Ready When You Are, CB is hosting The TBR Dare. He writes:
This is not a reading challenge. It's a dare.

I dare you to pledge you will read only the books in your TBR (To Be Read) stack for as long as you dare starting January 1, 2011.

One hour, one day, one book, one week, one month, or until the dare ends on April 1. (I never make open-ended New Year's Resolutions. Every goal should have a end date.)
The goal is to pledge how long or how many books you think you can last. Pledge to read one book, read for one day or one week, one month, whatever you like.

For complete information about the TBR Dare, CB has a page here.

To sign up, visit the registration page.