I thought it would be fun to gather a few people who are interested in reading through the list of 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die. I have posted a compilation of all editions of the list, if you'd like to check it out. But you're welcome to work from the compilation or from one specific edition - your choice!
Here's how I expect our team to work:
- If you want to participate, prepare an introductory post on your blog which either lists the books you've read or at least gives the highlights (your favorites) and the number you've read so far. Personally, I'm going to use mine as a Master Post, so I can include hyperlinks to my own reviews. Be sure to link your post back to this sign-up page so that the news can spread!
- Fill in the Mister Linky, providing the introductory post as your link.
- At the beginning of each month, I will have a Team 1001 post. In the comments of that post, please include links to all the reviews that you want me post links to. ONLY reviews to 1001-listed books! You can give me reviews that you've written before joining the team.
That way, everyone can see that month's new reviews.
- Quarterly (March, June, September, December), I'll have an update meme in which we can all share what books we've read over the quarter, which were our favorites, etc. You can provide a link to your update in the comments section of my Team 1001 Quarterly Update.
- To see the comprehensive list of reviews, click on the 1001 Books tag in my blog. Any book with a hyperlink has at least one review.
This is a new project for me, so I may have to change things around as it develops. If you have any suggestions, let me know!
This reading challenge is hosted by Resistance is Futile. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.