January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013
✰ The challenge will run from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Each month will have its own link form so you will be able to share your book reviews. You do not have to review the books you read to participate, but only those who read/reviewed at least one Children's Book a month.will be able to participate in the giveaway (you can track your reading without the reviews with Goodreads, Shelfari etc.).
✰ALL BOOKS MUST HAVE AN ORIGINAL PUBLICATION DATE OF 1960 or BEFORE. Book sites like Goodreads are good sources of genre information.
✰Minimum length is 60 pages
✰ All formats allowed.
✰Re-reads are allowed!
✰It does not matter whether it's a series or a stand-alone book. (But hey a series is a good way to read for the challenge)
✰If you are participating, grab the challenge button from above and feel free to use it as a header on your own blogs.st it on you blog.
✰ Please include the link back to this post so others will be able to participate as well.
✰At the beginning of every month post a list of the books that you've read/reviewed for this challenge and link up back here. The post will go live on the first of every month. Your first "Challenge in Review" post will be up on February 1st.
✰If you will participate, put the sign-up link to your blog post (about the challenge) or blog (for the button) directly into the linky below. Sign-ups will be open until December 22, 2013.
✰You do not have to list your books in advance, go and do as you please. Read as many as you want. The purpose is to have fun with each
✰ Share the challenge on Twitter, Facebook and your blogs to help it
This reading challenge is hosted by Turning the Pages. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.