17th – 24th January, 2013
Read 2 Review are setting up our first Read-A-Thon of 2013. We are aware with all the new eReader’s coming out this Christmas some of us may be getting one for Christmas. Kate recently got the Kindle Paperwhite and she is already loving it. This fact led us to the idea of our first Read-A-Thon of 2013. We haven’t hosted a Read-A-Thon for a while and we figured it would be the perfect time to schedule one. New Year, new books, new devices – perfect right?
Right now we are looking for authors and bloggers to join with us to set up what we think will be an awesome event. There are two ways for you to get involved and these are:
1. Reading List. We are compiling a list of books, which will be offered free in exchange for a review, of books that every participant will be able to choose from to read during the week. I am limiting each book to 5 readers per book and these books will ONLY be available for an electronic devise and not print. If you would like to participate in this first way please let me know the following information:
Name/Pen Name:
Title of book (please limit to 1):
Formats the book is available in (kindle, PDF, kobo…):
Page length:
2. Prize donations. We wish to set up two prize bundles for this contest – International and USA/Canada. We are looking for donations to these bundles. If you are donating a book to the first way to participate you can still do this way too if you wish, only please choose different books. Please can you let me know the following if you would like to participate in this second way:
Name/Pen Name:
Title of book (please limit to 1 – must be different than idea 1 if you are participating in idea 1):
Formats the book is available in (kindle, PDF, kobo…):
Any other item you would like to donate (gift card, merchandise, other…):
The Read-A-Thon itself will be run from the 17th – 24th January and any format of book can be read (including print) but 1 book MUST be read from the compiled list per participant. The reviews can be posted at the participant’s individual site but a link list will be put on Read 2 Review for the books.
To get involved please email us at admin(at)read2review(dot)com. We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you have a very merry Christmas!
For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.