January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
William Shakespeare is one of the most popular, if not the most popular, playright in the English speaking world. You’ve probably encountered his works one time or another, either in high school English or from a movie adaptation, a quote or a scene used in a novel or a reference made in a song. Maybe you’ve been meaning to check out his other works or maybe you’d like to re-visit a play of his you’ve enjoyed when you were in school. Well, this reading challenge is all about William Shakespeare’s works.
Here’s the brief rundown on the challenge:
- This reading challenge runs from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014
- You can join at any time
- Any of William Shakespeare’s works are acceptable–his plays and his sonnets–so long as it is a text. No movie or television adaptations or theatre performances (unless you read the text first and then watched an adaptation…that’s okay)
- Linking your reviews to the Linky Widget that I will be posting later this month is optional but strongly recommended just so that we can share titles and thoughts with other bloggers and get to know each other in the process
Levels (sorry, not feeling very creative coming up with these levels, lol; I’m pretty laxed about this):
- 1 – 4 plays — Occasional theatre-goer
- 5 – 9 plays — Frequent theatre-goer
- 10 – 12 plays — Regular theatre-goer
For a full list of Shakespeare’s works, please refer to this page or this page.
This reading challenge is hosted by Caffeinated Life. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.