Friday, December 20, 2013

Twelfth Night Readathon

Twelfth Night Readathon
December 8, 2013 – December 31, 2014

The Twelfth Night Readathon was created by Jorie of Jorie Loves a Story and Christine of Readerly Musings to promote the reading of Christmas and Holiday reads. We noticed there were a few readathons this time of year, but none dedicated solely to Christmas and Holiday stories. We noticed there were a few readathons this time of year, but none were dedicated solely to Christmas and Holiday readings. While this readathon started out being between two bloggers wanting to share their Christmas and Holiday cheer with the bookish blogosphere, anyone is welcome to participate! With one stipulation: they must be willing to read Christmas and/or Holiday themed books throughout the readathon! The number of books they read is up to them!
Please note: ‘Holiday’ does not just mean traditional holidays such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s, but also other holidays including Festivus, Chrismukkah, etc.
This readathon will run from 8 December, 2013 until 5 January, 2014 (Twelfth Night).
The Bloggers
All of these links lead to the bloggers’ master posts for the readathon, blogs, and twitter accounts.
Jorie of Jorie Loves a Story @JLovesAStory
Christine of Readerly Musings @ReaderlyMusings

This reading challenge event is hosted by Readerly Musings & Jorie Loves A Story. For more information and to sign-up, please see this post.