Sunday, November 29, 2009

Read-A-Long: Banging On the New Tin Drum - EVENT

Hosted by Lizzy's Literary Life

January 1 - March 30, 2010

Lizzy is hosting a read-a-long of The Tin Drum by Nobel Laureate Gunter Grass. She writes:

Günter Grass’s The Tin Drum , first published in 1959 was recently retranslated into English by Breon Mitchell. All the reviews I’ve read of this new translation are superlative. So that’s the version I’ll be reading this time around.

The Tin Drum is a seminal piece of European magic realism. Amazingly probably the only piece of magic realism I’ve ever got to grips with. Here’s the summary from fantasticfiction: Bitter and impassioned, it delivers a scathing dissection of the years from 1925 to 1955 through the eyes of Oskar Matzerath, the dwarf whose manic beating on the toy of his retarded childhood fantastically counterpoints the accumulating horrors of Germany and Poland under the Nazis.

It is an intense read and best taken slowly. So I’m proposing to read one part per month (around 200 pages) for three months. I’ll post my thoughts here on the final Sunday of each month starting January 2010. And I hope that whether you’re a fully fledged Germanophile, an award winner / Nobel laureate reading challenge participant or simply curious, you’ll read / discuss along with me.
Learn more by visiting the post about the Read-A-Long, or just drop by Lizzy's blog on the final Sunday of January to get started.