January 1 - December 31, 2011
A Year of Feminist Classics is a reading project started by Amy, Ana, Emily Jane and Iris. They have started a dedicated blog for the project and write:
The project will work a little like an informal reading group: for the whole of 2011, we’ll be reading a book a month from this list of classic feminist fiction and non-fiction, and each of us will be in charge of the subsequent discussion for three months.
These discussions will be structured as follows: at the beginning of the month, the host in charge of that month will write an introductory post on this blog, reminding participants of what we’ll be reading and providing some historical context.Then, later that month, she will post a series of discussion questions and invite readers to use them as points of departure for their own thoughts. You don’t necessarily need to answer these questions when sharing your impressions of the book; you may either integrate them in our post or use another approach altogether (and perhaps add to the discussion by bringing up points the host hasn’t thought of herself). Participants can either join the discussion on the comments section or post on their own blogs, which means you don’t necessarily need to be a book blogger yourself to join in.Finally, at the end of the month, the host will post her thoughts on the book either here or on her own blog, as well as write a round-up post and collect the links of all the participants who decided to join in for that particular title.